lead by the radiant numbers!

We help business owners bring their vision and projects to life in the most efficient way.

Get started right away with our library of free worksheets, checklists, and resources

great to meet you!

I'm Jana Birnaz, MBA, Certified OBM for visionary entrepreneurs & business owners.

Welcome to Reliable Solutions OBM and thank you for visiting our site!

Great to meet you here!

At Reliable Solutions OBM, we are committed to serving entrepreneurs who are ready for a transformational journey. Would that be you?

for a while and have the basics down. At this stage, you are likely the bottleneck in your business, and to accelerate revenues and opportunities, you’ll need to eliminate that quickly and create systems in its place. It’s also time to build a team at this level of growth in your business. It’s easy for you to get stuck in a routine that is not consistently expanding your bottom line.

Are you ready to up-level your business? If the answer is ‘’yes’’, please go to the ‘’WORK WITH ME’’ page and follow the steps to set up a brief call. The goal is to bring value to your business.

As an OBM, I positioned myself as a strategic partner – someone with whom the clients can brainstorm and develop unique and creative solutions to pervasive challenges.

Enjoy the read and we look forward to meeting you.


We help business owners build effective systems and processes, so that they can increase efficiency, accomplish their objectives, and offer customers the best value ... every single time.

How we can work together

Project & Launch Management

So, you have a great project in mind? We are here to help. Our Project & Launch Management services are designed for growth-oriented entrepreneurs, who are ready to create more value for their clients.



Operations Manager & Strategic Support

We believe that effective systems and processes are the essential building blocks of a successful and profitable business; their primary purpose is to find and keep customers, eliminate unnecessary expenses and operational waste, and create differentiation and domination in the marketplace.

Business Analysis & Metrics Management

We believe that analyzing and measuring business processes pays big dividends! In today’s highly competitive world, a business owner must stay close to the numbers to be successful. Measuring performance drives productivity and improvement.


Answer the following questions to determine if you are ready to work with an obm

Do you experience frustrations in your business (poor performance, waste, inefficiencies, customer dissatisfaction, poor cash flow and profitability, etc.)?

Does your business operate smoothly when you’re not around, or could it be over-dependent on YOU?

Do you want to improve your business systems to become more profitable and/or more competitive?

Let's Chat

Lead by the radiant numbers!

Let’s find the right strategy to help you get more clients, automate the process to bring more value to your clients, and, ultimately, help you work less and make more.

Reliable Solutions OBM. Montreal, Quebec, Canada